Piko is a brand of rail modélism that offers under the référence 54597, the Goerlitzer Brewery à bière wagon à l39;échechelle de réduction HO 1:87.
The main features of the Piko 54597 freight car:
- Model running for the DRG railway company during period II.
- Rolling stock compatible on 2-rail DC powered miniature railcars.
- This miniature wagon has an overall length of 101 mm and a minimum curve radius of 358 mm.
Focus on the railway company DRG:
In 1949, West Germany created the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) railway company, while East Germany took control of the DRG (Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft) on its territory.This led to the creation of Deutsche Reischsbahn, which took the name of the pre-1945 railway company of the Weimar government and later of the Third Reich.
Deutsche Reischsbahn, which took the name of the pre-1945 railway company of the Weimar government and later of the Third Reich.
Deutsche Reischsbahn, which took the name of the pre-1945 railway company of the Weimar government and later of the Third Reich.