Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Commercial name : JURA MODELISME.

Address : 7 rue Jean Bertin, 39800 POLIGNY, France.

Website :

SIRET number : 347 869 414 000 32.

Telephone number :

E-mail address : /

Legal form of the company : SAS Société par Actions Simplifiée.

Amount of share capital : 100 000 €.

Technical maintenance : Ikuzo Agency - Besançon.

Hosting : Infomaniak Network SA - 25, rue Eugène-Marziano, 1227 Genève / Suisse.




No information appearing on this site, necessarily simplified, can not be considered as a contractual offer of services or products. Jura Modélisme declines all responsibility for the content of the site and the use that may be made of it by anyone. Anyone wishing to obtain a product or service described on the site must contact Jura Modélisme to find out about its availability, the contractual conditions and the prices applicable to it. Any visitor to the site is considered as accepting the application of French laws. The messages that you can send us pass through an open telecommunications network, we cannot ensure their confidentiality. For all confidential messages, we invite you to contact Jura Modélisme directly. Under no circumstances can Jura Modélisme accept to receive instructions by unsecured e-mail to carry out a banking or financial transaction requiring a written and signed order.


The establishment of a hypertext link to this site requires the prior authorization of Jura Modélisme. In this case you can contact us. The establishment of a hypertext link after authorization may be valid on different media, with the exception of those disseminating information of a political, religious, pornographic, xenophobic nature or which may affect the sensitivity of the greatest number, or even contrary to the legal and banking provisions in force. In this respect, Jura Modélisme reserves the right to oppose any link set up without its authorization and which may harm its image, its activities, its values, its reputation, or its notoriety. Any establishment of hypertext link accepted by Jura Modélisme must be done in an entire window with the URL


The personal information collected by means of e-mail or promotional operations is intended for Jura Modélisme for promotional purposes. They will only be the subject of external communications for the sole purposes of management or to meet legal and regulatory obligations. This information may give rise to the exercise of the right of access and rectification under the sole conditions provided for by law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, through of the services that collected the requested information. This right of access can be exercised with the head of Jura Modélisme.


All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and photographic representations. The reproduction of all or part of this site, on any medium whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the managers of Jura Modélisme. The documents may only be copied for information purposes, the copy being reserved for private use only.