Under reference LR PRESS TRAIN'IN BOX, find the extension "lime kiln", without railway rolling stock, in HOe (Narrow Way) 1/87th scale.
>- PECO branded tracks.
- Analogue 2-rail system.
- Other brands : NOREV, PREISER, LR Modélisme, K&M trees, Magileaf,...
- Easy assembly, no tools, no noise, no dust!
Some details about this extension:
This landscape and décor extension takes its place on the rear section of the Narrow Gauge Train In Box, on the section that measures 80 x 30 cm on which until now only the return track loop has appeared.
Including two points and a set of power supply fishplates, it creates a branch track with a shunting drawer serving a lime kiln.
These proto-industrial buildings are extremely common in the European landscape from the eighteenth to the twentieth century; lime was used as a binder in construction but above all as an amendment for crops.
In the extension set the modeller will find everything needed for: laying the track (turnouts, two track coupons and the two turnout levers), making the relief (in continuity with the first face), vegetation, some scenery accessories (characters, vehicle and wheelbarrows) but above all, the buildings.
We designed a rubble lime kiln, with its feed bridge linking it to the quarry, the operator's office hut as well as a cabin for the quarrymen.
The buildings pack, to be constructed from 2, 0.8 and 0.3 mm laser-engraved cardboard, also contains the tunnel portal and the retaining wall for the railway trench.
LR PRESSE is a family business, with the third generation currently at the helm. It publishes magazines and books for train enthusiasts, real or miniature (Loco-revue, Voie Libre, Clés pour le train miniature, Ferrovissime), but also bonsai (Esprit Bonsaï). Loco-revue is the oldest of these magazines. The first issue appeared in March 1937 and it celebrated its 80th birthday in 2017! As such, it is and has remained the leading French magazine dedicated to a passion for trains.
This company also offers kits for creating dioramas in the field of model railroading in its TRAIN'IN BOX range.