The brand Arnold proposes the Coffret de 3 wagons passagers, à l'échelle N 1/160ème sous la référence 4383, which contains the following items:
- 1 carriage 1st class type A9.
- 2 2nd class carriages type B10.
- All of these carriages hold a different registration number.
- Passenger train convoy of length 470 mm.
- Rolling stock of the SNCF in circulation during the III era.
Introduction to the manufacturer Arnold:
Arnold is a brand specialising in the design of products from the railroad model railroad as well as the creation of diorama. The company offers various railway equipment under the scale N: 1/160th under continuous current "2 rails". Find a vast catalogue including locomotives, wagons, carriages put into service by the railway company SNCF or even DB. The brand also designs set accessories, otherwise known as diorama, to "dress up" your miniature network.