The manufacturer Auhagen proposes a model à assemble d39;a fuel trade à l39;échelle HO : 1/87ème dimension 125x92x60 mm under référence 11465.
Additional features:
- This bâtiment also features a wall crane for heavier goods.
- The half-timbered building is complemented by a panelled office extension.
- The kit includes tools such as shovels, brooms and wheelbarrows as well as stacks of briquettes and pallets for design.
Enliven your dioramas with this little fuel business!
Présentation of the manufacturer Auhagen:
Auhagen is a brand German spécialised;in the design of products stemming from modélisme, under the échelles HO: 1/87, N: 1/160 and Hoe 1/87ème for étroite tracks.
You'll be able to display models (railway station, business premises, railway building, industrial area, knockers, etc.), dioramas (horn plates, flockings, floor mats, etc.) and other accessories to warm up your miniature network!
These miniature products are made entirely from plastic materials, making them robust and easy to assemble.Auhagen doesn't leave anyone out in the cold, as it aims to delight confirmed modellers and beginners alike!