Resin plaster for rocks - WOODLAND Scenics C1201 - 907g - All scales

Brand : WOODLAND SCENICS   |   Référence : WOC1201
Prix unitaire TTC :
€ 15.99

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Resin plaster for rocks "Lightweight Hydrocal Plaster" under reference C1201 from manufacturer Woodland Scenics.

Quantity: 907g.

All scales.

This resin plaster is 2 times lighter thanordinary plaster for faster drying and hardening more rapidly, as well as very high strength once dry.


Under reference WOODLAND SCENICS C1201, here is 907g of "Lightweight Hydrocal Plaster", modellable by hand or applicable with a trowel-type tool !

This resin plaster guarantees faster drying and hardening than ordinary plaster thanks to its weight, which is half that of ordinary plaster. When it becomes dry this plaster offers very high strength.

To be used with Woodlands reference rock moulds C1230 and C1231.

The steps to follow to design the rocks:

1. Pour 100 ml of resin plaster with 65 ml of water into a container.

2. Mix the container to obtain a homogeneous coating.

3. After resting for a few minutes, pour the mixture into the appropriate rock mould(s), and leave to harden for 30 to 40 minutes.

4. Unmould and allow to dry completely for 12 hours.

Manufacturer Woodland Scenics:

Woodland Scenics is a brand specialising in the design of scaled-down railway equipment. Find various dioramas (vegetation, flocking, fibres, etc.) and other scenery accessories (ballast, paint, decorative earth, etc.) produced in HO 1/87; Z: 1/220; N: 1/160; O 1/43 or TT: 1/220 scales.

Technical sheet



Products from the WOODLAND SCENICS brand for model railroading and diorama creation. Products and scenery accessories from the WOODLAND SCENICS brand.

Jura Modélisme offers products from the WOODLAND SCENICS brand. Find flocking accessories, trees, bushes, ballast, static fibres WOODLAND SCENICS. Grass carpeting, fibres, flockings, tunnel entrances, retaining walls, trees, vegetation WOODLAND SCENICS.
The WOODLAND SCENICS products are suitable for network and diorama scenery at scales of 1 : 87 th, 1 : 160 th, 1 :43 th and 1 : 220 th.

Discover the products of the brand WOODLAND SCENICS for model trains and model railway layouts.

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