Under reference LGB 55129, find an adapter printed circuit board to connect the LGB 55029 decoder to the Märklin 60971 programmer, scale G 1/22.5th.
- Easy connection to a PC/laptop.
- The Märklin Decoder Tool software is also required and can be easily downloaded from the Märklin website.
- Existing or self-recorded sounds can be easily transferred and that other parameters such as maximum speed, braking behaviour, etc. can also be programmed very easily and quickly.
- The Märklin 60971 decoder programmer is also required. This is not included in delivery.
Introduction to the manufacturer LGB:
The LGB model railway brand specialises in the design of rolling stock such as Locomotives, Passenger coaches, Wagons in large scales (G: 1/22.5) manufactured in limited quantities. These models from different eras are characterised by their robust design quality and detailing to get as close to reality as possible.
The LGB brand also offers digital models with very good quality and realistic sound decoders adapted according to the model.