The braking module requires 3 isolated track sections in the signal area. The first represents a transition zone corresponding to the length of a friction pad (approx. 70 to 90 mm). The second section is the actual braking zone, where the locomotive gradually comes to a halt. The braking distance is set in the locomotive decoder by adjusting the braking delay. This second section must be at least 40 to 50 cm long. The third section is a safety zone which, like the signalling sections, is de-energised. It prevents the locomotive from unintentionally passing the signal. The braking module is suitable for both illuminated and mechanical signals. Some locomotives fitted with an unregulated Digital or Delta electronic module stop on the braking section or just on the safety section. It is impossible to obtain a precise setting. The use of the 72442 braking module with unregulated drives is therefore not recommended.