Under the référence MARKLIN START UP 72452, décover this terminal, à l39;échechelle HO 1/87ème.
Characteristics of the components of the MARKLIN 72452 box:
- Robust models, perfectly suited to children aged 6 and over.
- Multiple play possibilities around the theme of "logistics and containers".
- Functional gantry crane for loading containers: the travelling winch can be removed by hand, there is a lifting device for loading containers, and the crane bridge interior is on castors, so it can be removed.
- Delivered in stained parts, easy and solid to assemble.
Car set to match départ " container train" référence MARKLIN 29452. Can be complemented by the ccomplementary offer thématique réfence MARKLIN 78452, by the MARKLIN 44700 wagon, and the Krupp crane wagon set référence MARKLIN 44452.