The Pacific ÉTAT , the first of which went into service in 1914, were inspired by those of the PO. They were Compound engines with external HP and internal BP cylinders. 283 locomotives were built for the ÉTAT network. All these locomotives provided most of the express and high-speed service on the network. They gradually received several modifications to improve their performance, following the techniques developed by André Chapelon for the PO's 231-3566.
They ended their career definitively in 1968. It should be noted that locomotives identical to the Pacific ÉTAT were assigned to other Companies: the 3-1150 to the NORD, 40 units to the compagnie de l'EST (31001 to 31040), 40 units to the compagnie de l'AL (1311 to 1350) and 40 units to the PO (3641 to 3680). The locomotives are named "Pacific TP" following their financing by Public Works.
- Brass body
- 12 V DC
- Latest generation ESU LP decoder
- Sound on request
- Analogue / DCC switch <420mm minimum radius
- Finely painted and decorated models