The brand Piko proposes the BBB 26000 electric locomotive, in scale HO 1/87th, analogue, registration 26148 under reference 96149, which has the following characteristics:
- Miniature model registration number 26148, offered in its analogue DC 2-rail version.
- This BB 26000 was put into service by the SNCF during period VI.
- The lights are reversible depending on the direction of travel.
- This locomotive comes from the "Hobby" (Loisirs) range from the manufacturer Piko.
For the record:
The BB 26000 series was nicknamed "Sybic", taking the contraction between the terms "Synchrone" and "Bicourant". These models are direct descendants of the BB 36000, which were once the SNCF's most powerful locomotives.
High power was available on DC lines from 1.5 kV to 25 kV 50 Hz. These BB 26000s were capable of pulling a passenger train of around 750 tonnes (comprising 16 carriages) at a speed of 200 km/h, or a freight train of 2050 tonnes at a speed of 80 km/h on a gradient of 8.8‰.
Presentation of the manufacturer Piko:
The German model train manufacturer, Piko, designs rolling models derived from model railways in various scales (HO: 1/87 and N: 1/160). Founded in 1948, the company has a wealth of expertise that they pass on in their designs. In fact, their miniature models are renowned for being highly realistic and robust.
They manufacture a range of rolling stock including locomotives, carriages and wagons. They also produce railway accessories such as tracks, rails and spare parts. Although they mainly produce 2-rail models (direct current), they sometimes offer products with a 3-rail operating system (alternating current).
Finally, the company has a second range called "Piko G", reserved for designing products in G scale: 1/22.5.